「吓!? 咩呢架?食得架?」
"What's up guy? Something eatable?"
If you don't know who "Fat Suk" is, you are somehow outdated. Meanwhile you are not incurable. Keep scrolling down and you can become the tip of the fashion.
Or if you know "Fat Suk" and also interested in it, well, I mean music, don't skip this free stuff.
Soliton (i know this song.org) 曾在2011年捲起估歌仔熱潮,因其大量只有歌詞的廣告引起市民關注及討論。不久之後似乎息微,但其實仍然運作中。
Soliton had beed well-known in 2011 as it posted lots of ads with lyrics content only. This arouse people to guess the indicating song. While time flies and it becomes not so hit.
Soliton 聯同 MenStyle 推出30日無條件免費試聽。只要你在6月30日前新登記,即可免費任聽最新潮歌。
Soliton and MenStyle give you a promotion account for free 30 days. Submit a registration form on or before 30 June and you can enjoy the top and hit song.