2013年9月20日 星期五

新一代智能手機? - Phonebloks - the new generation of smart phone?

自從Steve Jobs在05年改革手機功能後,手機業務再次興起,在8年間,不同公司竭力研發引人注目的手機。智能手機似乎已經成為一個不可或缺的工具。一個幾 kg的金屬電子版已經成為我們日對夜對的消閑娛樂玩伴。不過大家有沒有想過,智能手機可以再進化?
Since 2005 Steve Jobs innovate the iPhone, there is a explosion of the need of phone. In 8 year time, many companies fall their heads on developing incredible phone. Now, smart phone seems to be a inevitable tool for our life. But, have you ever thought that smart phone can be proceed to another stage?

Phonebloks 可能會再令大家嘩然,因為它能夠讓大家打造屬於你的個性手機。Phonebloks 由一塊底版及幾塊組件組成,就像Lego一樣,你可以在一塊底版的空間內自由配答組件。當你需要升級你的電話時,你只需要購買個別組件,這樣能更環保及省錢地"更換"你的電話。
Phonebloks may be the answer of that. You can use it to customize you phone, as it is composed by a base and many detachable blocks. Like Lego, you can assemble the blocks by yourselves. When you want to upgrade your phone, just buy and replace the particular block. This can "upgrade" your phone with a cheaper, and more environmentally friendly way.
Although it is still a plan, it attracts tens of thousands of people in a few days. To know more about it, you can watch the following video and visit its official site.

