如果你擁有一部Samsung Galaxy Tab / Note,你就可以免費獲得價值USD$600的禮物。
If you own a Samsung Galaxy Tab / Note, you probably can receive a gift pack worth USD$600!
贈品包括:$25 Google Play 禮物卡、 $50 三星 Hub 點數、 兩年50GB Dropbox 空間、 12周 NYtimes.com 訂閱...
Rewards includes: $50 Samsung Hub credit and a $25 Google Play™ Store credit, NYTimes.com 12-week free subscription, 50GB Dropbox space for 2 years, etc.
贈送網站 Grab Rewards
Samsung 要求用家提供 Galaxy 序號,在手機內打開 設置.更多.關於設備.狀態.序列號
Samsung need the users give out the Galaxy serial, open SETTING. MORE. ABOUT DEVICE. STATUS. SERIAL NUMBER in your device