2014年2月13日 星期四

[免費] 訊連科技 PhotoDirector YouCam

訊連科技 Cyberlink 在情人節期間為大家準備了軟件免費使用。
In Valentine's day, Cyberlink prepare a bunch of present for all.

PhotoDirector 4 (Win + Mac)

強大的照片修輯軟體 ,提供方便易用的編輯工具,在軟件上可以輕鬆調整相片、對相片進行管理或修輯,使它看起來與眾不同。
A powerful photo editing software consisting easy-to-use editing tools. Users can modify and fining photos easily to make it special.

YouCam 4 Deluxe

Designed to work with PC camera creating new heights with playful video effects. Transforming PC into a professional-style camera by capturing HDR and panorama photos. Even create sophisticated video presentations are possible.

以上軟件,Cyberlink 全部送給大家。在 Cyberlink 的Facebook 專頁讚好,並只要能成功邀請1位朋友讚好專頁,就能獲得授權碼。
The Abovementioned software are all given to you by Cyberlink. Like the Cyberlink's Facebook page and successfully invite one of you friends to like the page, and you will get the serial.


