2014年2月21日 星期五
[免費] Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 2013
MAGIX Xtreme Photo and Graphic Designer 是一個全功能的圖片編輯軟件,集編輯、優化各種特效於一身。它擁有大量編輯工具,包括調較透明度、影子、刷子等。
MAGIX Xtreme Photo and Graphic Designer is a powerful graphics editing software, includes editing, optimizing function. It also has huge variety of tools, such as setting transparency, shadow and brushes.
它的繪圖工具亦非常易用,其功能可媲美 Photoshop。只要結合工具箱的顏色、圖層、框架等功能,就能製作出專業的作品。
Its illustration tools are very easy-to-use, as similar as Photoshop. As combining the colors, layers and frames, you can create a professional work.
現在,你就可以得到這個軟件。只要在2014年2月28日前登上此網站(網站為法文),填上個人資料,就可以獲得此軟件。系統會在大約3月3-4日期間將軟件送到 貴電郵地址中。
Now, you can own this software by entering this website (written in French) on or before 28 Feb,2014. Fill in your details and get it. The system will send you the license between 3-4 Mar.
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