2014年3月8日 星期六

IGN 免費App 波斯王子:影與火

It's time for IGN's monthly promotion, and the giveaway of this month is ... Prince of Persia - the Shadow and the Flame.

This is set after the events of Prince of Persia Classic. Prince of Persia the Shadow and the Flame continues the wanderer who was born a Prince. Now he must embark on an epic journey in search of his past that will redefine his future.

You may explore 14 levels with 5 state-of-the-art environments, and discover an exciting new combat system with multiple enemies and tactical challenges.

原價HKD23.00的App,現在可以免費獲得。只需進入推廣頁,按 "GET MY CODE" 就可獲得兌換碼。為方便大家,只需按下紅色的兌換碼,就可直接跳到iTunes 程式的兌換頁。
Now, the USD2.99 app is free to you by enter the promo page and click "GET MY CODE". For convenience, clicking the redeem code you get may link you to redeem page in iTunes program.

* 只適合以下44個地區:
* Available on these 44 region.

United States, Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, Chad, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia , the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, the Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vietnam

如果你用的是Android手機,也不需太灰心,因為為慶祝Google Play 兩週年Android版的《波斯王子:影與火》降價至HKD9.48。
If you are using mobile with Android system, it is not a very bad news. As celebrating 2 yo birthday of Google Play, Prince of Persia - the Shadow and the Flame is now on discount to USD0.99.

