2014年3月28日 星期五

Microsoft Office 免費大贈送

Microsoft的王牌軟件 Microsoft Office 為人所熟識。為了打入流動裝置市場,微軟推出不同流動平台的Microsoft Office Mobile。以往需要用家訂閲Office 365才可在手機上無限制使用,但從今天開始,所有人都可以無限制使用Office App。
Microsoft Office, a well known Office Suite of Microsoft Corporation, is now entering the mobile market, namely Microsoft Office Mobile. The time of Office 365 subscriber only has been gone, as Microsoft announce the cancellation of this limit, all user now can access Microsoft Office Mobile with no limitation.

This is a surprise by Microsoft, and if you have not download it yet, done so and freely edit documents on your mobile.

